Guest House Information
Phone Number
* When your call is connected to our voice mall, please leave your message and we will call you back as soon as posssible.
* We are not a 24 hour operating hotel
The manager may be away; please let us know before your visit.
3-119-3 Mozu Umekita-cho, Kita-ku, Sakai City, Osaka, Japan, 591-8031
Information of the Nearest Stations
Nankai Koya Line [Mozu Hachimangu] station 5 minutes walk
Subway Midosuji Line [Nakamozu] station [8] exit 14 mintes walk
JR Hanwa Line, Nankai Koya Line [Mikunigaoka] station 8 minutes walk
Route Details
From Mozuhachiman sation to Banana House
- After going out of the station, look at the station on your left side and keep turning right untill you see the small road. Please Follow this small road behind the station.
- There is a station wall on the right side, Japanese style bar on the left side, please turn left at the first corner after passing the hair salon. (you can only turn left)
- When you turn left, it seems like the dead end, but the road is still continued.
- Please go straight along the road in residential section, you will see the white and yellow building on the right side. This is the Banana Hosue.
From Nakamozu station to Banana House
- When you go out exit [8], there is a rotary, and Nankai [Nakamozu] station on the left side
- Pass the Nankai [Nakamozu] station and keep going straight by the railway routes
- keep going down the street till you see [Mosuhachiman] station with the railway tracks on your left side, and please follow above instruction ”From Mozuhachiman sation to Banana House”
From Mikunigaoka station to Banana House
1. JR阪和線(jr한와선)과 南海高野線(난카이코우야선)이 모두 지나가는 三国ヶ丘駅(미쿠니가오카 역)의 동쪽 출구를 나오면 로터리가 있습니다.
1. JR・Nankai [Mikunigaoka] rotary in front of the east exit
1. JR Nankai [Mikunigaoka] rotary en face de la sortie Est
2. 로터리 앞에 FamilyMart가 있습니다
2. There is a Family Mart (convenience store) in front of the rotary
2. Il y a un family mart (superette) en face de cette sorte de rond point (rotary)
3.FamilyMartの向かいにはmister Donutがあります
3. FamilyMart의 맞은 편에는 mister Donut가 있습니다
3. FamilyMart的對面是mister Donut(多拿滋店)。
3. There is a Mister Donut (donut store) in front of the Family Mart
3. Il y a un “mister donut” (magasin de donus) en face du family mart
3.在全家正前方有一間,mister Donut
4.FamilyMartとmister Donutの間の道を進み、最初の角を右に曲がると、踏切があります
4. FamilyMart와 mister Donut사이의 길을 걸어가다가 나오는 첫번째 모퉁이를 오른쪽으로 돌면 건널목이 있습니다
4. 直走FamilyMart和mister Donut中間的路、在第一個角落右轉,會看到道口
4. Please go straight down the road between Family Mart and Mister Donut, turn right at the first corner, there is a railroad crossing,
4. S’il vous plaît aller tout droit et descendez la rue située entre family mart et mister donuts, tournez à droite à la premiere rue, il y a un passage de voix ferrée coupant la route.
5. 건널목을 건너간 뒤 나오는 첫번째 교차로에서 왼쪽으로 돌아갑니다. 걸어가다 보면 왼쪽에 Joshin이 있습니다
5. After passing the railroad crossing, please turn left at the first corner of the intersection. If you keep going straight, there is a Joshin (Electronics stores) on the left side
5. Apres avoir traversé le chemin de voix ferrée, tournez à gauche au premier virage de l’intersection. Si vous continuez tout droit, il y a un Joshin (magasin d’appareils electriques) sur le côté gauche.
6. 그대로 걸어가면 오른쪽에 LAWSON이 보입니다
6. 繼續走,會看到Lawson罗森(便利店)
6. Keep going straight, there is a Lawson(convenience store) on the right side
6. Continuez tout droit, vous allez voir un Lawson (superette) sur le côte droit
7. 그 앞에 ASAHI(자전거 가게)가 보입니다
7. 前方有ASAHI(自行車店)
7. There is a ASAHI (Bicycle shop) in front
7. Il y a Asahi (magasin de vélo) en face
7.然後會看見ASAHI 腳踏車行
8. 그 뒤 Kirindo(약국)이 보입니다
8. After that, you will see the Kirindo (pharmacy)
8. Après ça, vous allez voir le Kirindo (Pharmacie)
9.FamilyMart의 앞을 지나 眼鏡市場(메가네이찌바)가 있는 사거리에서 좌회전하면 바나나 하우스가 보입니다.
9通過FamilyMart(便利店)前面,左轉在眼鏡市場(眼睛店)的交叉口,你會看到Banana House
9. Please pass the Family Mart (convenience store) and turn left on 眼鏡市場 Meganeichiba (Optician), you will see Banana House
9. Sil vous plaît passez le family mart (superette) et tounez à gauche après Meganeichiba (magasin de lunettes) et vous aller voir Banana House.
9.經過全家便利商店後,繼續走會看見眼鏡市場,那裡是個十字路口,左轉就會看見Banana house