Melon House is a guest house located in walking distance to the center of Osaka, Namba-Dotonbori area.
Located in walking distance to Namba and Shinsaibashi, so you can enjoy the night out without worrying about catching the last train.
Each room is private and has a kitchen and toilet.
Discount for long-term stay
Close to the stations, fantastic location. Only 10 minutes walk to Namba and Doutonbori area.
The rooms (193sqft〜236sqft) has lots of room for the storage. Each room has a personal kitchen and toilet and some rooms have their own private shower. The rooms are furnished and there are home appliances, WiFi, LAN cable.
広々としたお部屋。(写真はタイプB・20m2)넓은 방. (사진은 B형 · 20m2)很宽的房间(照片是Btype房间,20平方米)Spacious room (the picture is type B room, 20 sq.m).Des chambres spacieuses (la photo représente la chambre type B, 20m²)寬廣的房間(圖片為B型房間 20平米)
扇風機、掃除機もあります。선풍기, 청소기도 있습니다.有电风扇,吸塵器。Electric fan and vacuum cleaner available.Ventilateur et aspirateur disponibles.附有電扇,吸塵器
キッチンには2口コンロがあります。주방에는 2구 가스렌지가 있습니다.厨房具备两口煤气炉2 gas cookers in the kitchen.Deux plaques de cuisson par cuisine.廚房裡有兩口瓦斯爐
2ドア冷蔵庫、電子レンジ、トースター、炊飯器、調理器具完備。2문냉장고, 전자 레인지, 토스터, 전기 밥솥, 조리기구 완비.有具备冰箱 微波爐 烤麵包機,电饭锅,炊具。Refrigerator with two cabinets, microwave, toaster, rice cooker, and various kitchenwares are available.Réfrigérateur avec deux compartiments, micro-onde, grille-pain, cuiseur de riz et différents équipement ménagers sont disponibles.雙層冰箱,微波爐,烤麵包機,電飯鍋,料理用具完整
タイプCにはお風呂がついています。C형은 욕실도 있습니다.C式房間有具备淋浴Type C room has a bath.La chambre de type C est équipée d’une baignoire.C型房間,有附浴室
The Building
4 story building with 16 rooms
Toilet, Kitchen, 2 Gas Ranges, Kitchen Appliances, Tablewares, & Utensils, Refrigerator, Toaster, Microwave, Rice Cooker, Vacuum Cleaner, Air Conditioner, LAN Cable, Wi-Fi (Free)
Utilitity Fees (actual expense)
Deposit 10,000JPY per guest (refuned when leaving, unless you violate our terms and conditions).
Comon Use Facility
Clothes Drying Area
There is a clohtes drying area on the rooftop. 1 minutes walk to the laundromat.
common use shower on the 4th floor. Available for 24h.
屋上には物干し場があります。옥상에 빨래를 널 수 있는 공간이 있습니다.屋頂上有晒台。There is a clothes drying area on the rooftop.Il y a une zone de séchage des vêtements sur le toit.頂樓曬衣場
4階に共用シャワーがあり、24時間無料でホットシャワーが利用できます。4층에 공용 샤워실에서 24시간 무료 온수 샤워를 할 수 있습니다.在4樓有共同淋浴。可以24小時用(免費)。There is a common use shower room on the 4th floor. Hot water is available 24 hours for free.Il y a une salle de bain commune au quatrième étage. L’eau chaude est disponible 24/24 gratuitement.4樓的共用淋浴間24小時開放住戶使用
暗証番号を入力してゲートを解錠します。비밀번호를 입력해서 문을 열 수 있습니다.請按密碼解鎖門口。Put the password to unlock the gate.Entrez le code pour débloquer le portail.輸入密碼即可解除大門鎖
Nearest Stations
Subway Sakaisuji Line, Sennichimae Line, Kintetsu Line [Nipponbashi] station. Exit [6]. 7 min walk
Other Stations Nearby
Subway Sakaisuji Line, Nagahori-tsurumiryokuchi Line [Nagahoribashi] station. 7 min by walk
Subway Tanimachi Line, Sennichimae Line [Tanimachi-9chome] station. 10 min walk
Subway Midousuji Line, Sennichimae Line, Kintetsu Line, Nankai Line [Namba] station. 15 min walk
Subway Midousuji Line, Nagahori-tsurumiryokuchi Line [Shinsaibashi] station. 15 min walk
ミナミのど真ん中、道頓堀のグリコ前まで徒歩10分!미나미의 한가운데, 도톤보리의 구리코까지 도보10 분!It is located in middle of Namba, 10 minutes walk to Dotonbori!Située au centre de Namba, 10 minutes à pied de Dotonbori !在南大阪的正中間,到道頓堀的固力果看板只需徒步10分鐘!
心斎橋まで徒歩15分신사이바시까지 도보 15분到心斎橋步行只要15分鐘15 min walk to Shinsaibashià 15 minutes à pied de Shinsaibashi至心齋橋徒步只需15分鐘
10分歩けば日本橋のでんでんタウンに行けます。10분만 걸으면 니혼바시의 덴덴타운까지도 갈 수 있습니다.只要10分鐘步行就到日本橋(den den town)。Only 10 minutes walk to the Denden Town in Nipponbashi.à seulement 10 minutes à pied de Den-Den Town dans Nipponbashi只要走10分鐘就到日本橋,電電動漫街
アメ村まで徒歩15分사탕 마을까지 도보 15분步行只要15分鐘就到アメ村(Americamura)15 minutes walk to America-muraà 15 minutes à pied d’America-Mura到美國村只要徒步15分鐘
文楽劇場まで徒歩5分분라쿠 극장까지 도보 5분到文楽劇場只要5分鐘步行。5 minutes walk to National Bunraku Theatreà 5 minutes à pied du théatre national Bunraku至文樂劇場徒歩5分鐘
黒門市場まで徒歩10分쿠로몬시장까지 도보 10분到黒門市場只要10分鐘步行。10 minutes walk to Kuromon Marketà 10 minutes à pied du marché Kuromon至黒門市場徒歩10分鐘
高津神社まで徒歩10分코즈신사까지 도보 10분到高津神社只要10分鐘步行。10 Minutes walk to Kouzu Shrineà 10 minutes à pied du temple Kouzu至高津神社徒歩10分鐘
すぐ裏には市民プール併設のジムがあります。바로 뒤쪽에는 시민수영장, 병설체육관이 있습니다.賓館後面有游泳池和健身房。There is a gym with a swiminng pool right behind the guest house.Il y a une salle de sport avec piscine juste derrière la guest house附近有附設市民游泳池的健身房
Guide on Guest House Neighborhood
15 minute walk to Namba and Shinsaibashi, the heart of Osaka. you can enjoy the night out in Namba without worrying about catching the last train. Many stations near the guest house, such as [Nipponbashi], [Nagahoribashi], [Tanimachi-9chome] stations. Very convenient for wherever you want to go. 3 minute walk to the 24 hour open supermarket.